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Oral Prophylaxis Treatment

Oral Prophylaxis Treatment

Oral Prophylaxis

It involves scaling/ professional teeth cleaning. It is done to prevent gums issues and to prevent

caries, mobility of teeth. In this procedure, your teeth are cleaned with the help of ultrasonic

scaler. It removes tartar and plaque buildup from the surfaces of the teeth as well as those

hidden between the teeth and the gums.

How much sittings are required for teeth cleaning?

It may require 1 or 2 sittings for the complete cleaning of the teeth depending on the deposits

present on the teeth.

Is it a painful procedure?

No it is not a painful procedure. A slight sensitivity may be felt by the patient but no feeling of

pain is felt. The dentist may numb the area that requires scaling by anaesthetic spray to avoid any discomfort while cleaning.

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