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Cosmetic Correction of Teeth

Cosmetic Correction of Teeth

Cosmetic Correction of Teeth Treatment

This includes composite fillings, veneers and crowns. Whenever a tooth gets broken from its edge, or there is discolouration of teeth present or the teeth is not in a good shape we can go for composite fillings, veneers and crowns to make the teeth more aesthetically pleasing.

1. Composite Fillings

We use the latest composite materials. Composites are the most used filling material as they are tooth coloured and high in strength. These are used to build the broken teeth to make it look pleasing. It is done in single sitting mostly. It is a totally painless procedure.

2. Crowns

A crown or a dental cap is made to encircle a tooth entirely. A crown may be needed when a large cavity threatens the health of a tooth. Mostly after the Root canal treatments, crown is advised to give more strength to the tooth to avoid its fracture. The caps are bonded to the tooth by dental cements. Many a times, crowns are given to improve the appearance of the tooth and to halt deterioration.

3. Dental Veneers

Dental veneer is a layer of material placed over the tooth. These are generally done in front teeth to fill the gaps present between the teeth or to increase the length of the teeth. It is done in discoloured or defected teeth to make it more aesthetically pleasing. In many cases, minimal to no tooth preparation is done when using porcelain veneers.

4. Teeth Bleaching.

It is the procedure of teeth whitening used in patients with discoloured or more yellowish teeth. It is done in a 2-3 sittings depending on the patient’s expectations. It improves the overall look of the patient as more whiter teeth enhances your smile. In Rudra healthcare, we use all the latest materials and technologies for our patients.

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